Tuesday, September 24, 2013

4 and 5 Months


I skipped month 1 and 2, wrote month 3 and am combining months 4 and 5. So goes this season of life. I am holding out on the fact that one day I'll be glad I did this and you'll think it's a sweet keepsake. 

Luckily -- I wrote down what you were up to at the 4 month mark. So glad I did or all your little accomplishments would be meshed together. 

Month 4: 
  • You're rolling over! Front to back,  and you're whining less and less during tummy time. The trick is distraction, so sometimes I'll put my phone in front of you and just scroll through pictures. Pretty much all of yourself, but I don't think you know that. 
  • You are talking ALL THE TIME!!! When I walk past a mirror you squawk at the reflection. And when I get off work you just chat up a little storm at me, I kind of think you think you're telling me all about your day. Which is pretty adorable. You're gonna be a chatter box. 
  • You love toys, they go straight to your mouth of course, but you've mastered being able to hold them there. Good job!! That's some serious coordination. 
  • You suck on your paci string too, which kind of grosses me out, but I don't really know how to stop it. And you can't not have the paci string because then you'll drop your paci everywhere. OY. I'll figure out this conundrum one day. 
  • You're waking up twice in the night now. Ya!! Your dad goes in and takes care of you at 1 am and then I take the 4 am to 5 am shift. It's going good, so don't ruin it! haha. I'm just kidding. ;)
  • You don't really cry about much, you have to be really upset about something in order to lose it now. 
  • You just started noticing the TV it's pretty funny, you zone in for a few minutes, but then you get bored and you prefer us instead. 
  • You still don't acknowledge Hosmer, come on Harper, he's your brother for petes sake. 
  • You light up in the mornings!! Ah, walking in your room is just about the sweetest thing! I sing, "Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!" And you just smile so wide! Melts me every time. 
  • You're still sleeping in the swing or the Rock n Play. I need to encourage the crib transition again, but last time was a disaster. So we'll see. 
Month 5

  • You started rolling over consecutively, you'll go and go until you either hit something and can't move or we pick you up so you can start over. One night you couldn't sleep and your dad (genius) let you do your rolls down the hall. You passed out soon after. You love it. 
  • You giggle!! The sound is precious! You are pretty particular about what you think is funny though, I think you think I'm funnier than your dad, --- I'm not, you'll find that out soon enough though. 
  • You love to sit in your bumbo, especially at dinner time when we eat. 
  • You've started reaching for things that are in my hands now or in front of us. We avoided a disaster at a restaurant a few weeks ago. You're so quick! I'm gonna have to really up my radar on that sort of stuff now. 
  • You go in the nursery on Tuesday mornings while I'm in bible study, this is the first time you've ever gone in one before. You're doing pretty good. You're like me, so social you don't want to miss out -- so you really fight the nap in there. But I'm really proud of you, you've adjusted well. 
  • Well you didn't like my sleep joke in month 4, you started waking up 6 to 8 times a night!! Bahhhh! Your dad and I hit a wall. Things really couldn't get any worse so we decided to transition you to your crib during that time. 
    • We let you cry it out that week when you would wake up. Hardest. Ever!! But you're doing much better now, you seem well rested too.  I'm thankful for that! And you like your crib! Yay
  • Tuesdays are my day off and I've come to really treasure that time with you. I let you take your afternoon nap next to me in our bed. I work on my cell group lesson or something like that and you sleep. It's really sweet, I love having you next to me. I should probably encourage your naps in your crib but you won't be this little forever. 
  • You're in the 30th percentile, so thats good! You're moving up in your weight class. 
  • You notice Hosmer now and smile so big when you see him, I'll throw his toy and you'll track him back and forth. It's a win win, he loves it and so do you. 

Of course I could go on and on. But that pretty much sums up the past 2 months. We couldn't love you anymore than we already do.  

We chose this verse below for you, something your dad and I talked about before you were born was how badly we want you to trust Jesus, in all seasons. Life isn't very easy and we won't raise you to believe it is either, but I truly believe that if we base our confidence in Him it makes even the most difficult bearable. Trust Him Harper! I'm going to continually speak that over you and it's already challenging me to set the example. 

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought    and never fails to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:7-8

Love you, 


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