I went into the Beth Moore conference completely skeptical. There is something about someone being in the Christian limelight like she is that makes your wonder if its real or not. I don't think I could handle the pressure of being a a "Christian celebrity," because I'd feel my relationship with the Lord always needed to be perfect, an unending mountaintop.
Sure my past is a wreck, but now? No, now my biggest struggle is deciding where to fit in my second quiet time for the day.
We sat down and watched woman after woman pile in, about 9,800 in all if that helps you wrap your mind around this.
A sea of pink, women in Beth Moore t-shirts. Awesome I thought, this is already confirming my stereotypes and the thing hasn't even started yet.
And so we sang. When women sing in heaven it will sound like it did in that room, I am sure of it. As a collective our song was perfection. The final touch of creation singing as one. I've never heard anything like it. Rene said this is one of her favorite things about a women's conference, I can now see why.
Before Beth came out my mind started racing with judgement which I quickly quieted with scripture.
I question most things, it's the way I've always been. When God got my attention my sophomore year of college I told him I believed in Him but not in Jesus, I asked Him to be patient with me and show me that Jesus was who He said He was.
For the next three months I inhaled the New Testament, He broke me down and I accepted Christ. Honestly, I like this about me for the most part, but it also manifests itself in skepticism which I don't like.
So when she took the stage I was open, open to accepting who she really was not who I had made her out to be based on outside opinion.
Beth is loud, animated and absolutely passionate about The Word, it's contagious. I don't think it is possible for someone to be in the bible as much as she is and not be changed by it. The Word is living and active and apparent in her life, you cannot fake that kind of passion.
I needed that confirmation and received it.
I work with a girl who is a rockstar at discipleship. I pray that her intentionality with people will float from her to me. Earlier in the week I asked her how she does it. I've been questioning that a lot lately how do you disciple someone the "right" way? Is there even a right way?
So naturally the entire weekend was about discipleship. Of course, because God does these things.
The message was from 1 Thessalonians. As believers we are meant to replace ourselves, we should always be training others up to do what we do.
Who are you training to take over your ministry? If something happens to you tomorrow do you have someone ready to step in? Because you should.
Doesn't that make you squirm and feel a little insecure? Isn't it nice feeling "needed?" Personally, I don't like the idea of training someone to do what I do because I have a fear they would be better at it than me, isn't that terribly selfish? I know it.
Jesus taught the disciples to do what what He was doing because He knew He wouldn't always be there. Once He was gone the ministry needed to continue. The disciples were meant to carry it out and they did because here we are.
And so we add to the ripple, laboring and training those around us so that they can step up to take our place. Letting down our guard and sharing life, proving to them that we are for real. Encouraging them to do the same and affirming the fruit we see.
This was a revelation to me, my intentionality is small and must grow.
To the ladies above, thank you for opening up your hearts and sharing your wisdom. You have no idea how much your transparency and encouragement means.
My generation craves it. We need to hear your stories, the good and the bad, because we learn from your words.
Thanks for sitting in the back, pouring out your heart and listening to me do the same, you know who you are.
Love you all.
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