Monday, February 13, 2012


Two years ago I said I'd never have a blog. I was content just writing for The Global Shoppe, but personally, the idea intimidated me. I think this is because I'm much too hard on myself, I over analyze, I put everything I do and say underneath a microscope until I've picked it apart completely. 

It's annoying, even this, here I am on the first post and I've already deleted and re-written, deleted and re-written. But I'm used to it, it's a part of who I am. I'm creativive yet a thinker, not entirely left or right side, maybe I'm middle, is that possible? The line that divides the sides has to count for something.

My husband and I are not alike in this way. He is capable of turning off his mind and thinking about nothing, maybe all men are like this, but Todd is gifted when it comes to retreating.

I'll often ask him what he's thinking about, hoping I'll get a good conversation out of the question. He'll reply, "Nothing," "Really? Nothing at all?" "Nope, nothing."

Can you imagine thinking about nothing? I bet it's the best, peace and quiet on the inside.

I am starting this blog because I am not like the past few sentences. My mind is loud and I need an outlet.

I don't have any expectations with this, I might really enjoy it, I might delete it in a month.

We'll see.

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