Thursday, December 12, 2013

Harper Update: 6-8 months


So I am progressively getting worse and worse at documenting your life. There are million bloggers out there now --- most with children, more stay at home moms. And really with them? HOW IN THE WORLD DO THEY FIND THE TIME?!? You're napping and I just dusted, vacuumed and went through a giant stack of mail that had been teasing me for about 3 months. And I call that a win. I'm feeling good, so I'm about to tackle some of your accomplishments. All meshed together into one big ball of 6- almost 8 months. Blah! 

  • You're sleeping great in your crib! And you like it!! The heavens are opening and angels are singing -- 3 months ago I never thought I'd live to see the day. 
  • ^^^ This leads to mine and your dads sleep. Cue the heavens one more time. 
  • You started scooting probably around 6 months and now you're crawling!! BAH!! How fun! You're into everything.
  • Like really Harper everything. How is it you KNOW the things you are now supposed to have? Your dad and I found an old remote and we have tricked you into believing we use it. When we "catch" you with it we say, "Oh no Harper how did you get that?" "Harper thats not yours," then set it on the other side of the rug where you can obviously crawl to it and we do it all again. It's become your favorite thing. And we laugh at our genius parenting moves -- this is one area we are winning at. 
  • You are eating food now!! Real live baby food. Eeee! You will eat pretty much any of it. You especially love sweet potatoes and pears. Yum! I always try your food first and it grosses your dad out. But hey, I'm not gonna feed you anything I wouldn't try myself. 
  • You also eat mum mums and puffs. You love snacking! 
  • You can sit up un-attended 
  • You LOVE bath time! You just figured out how to splash water everywhere.
  • You are so full of giggles! You also think I am funnier than your dad. Which I find really funny! We can be doing the exact same thing and you'll be belly laughing at me and when he does it you just give a little smile or a blank stare. We share the same sense of humor --- this is gonna be fun. 
  • ^^ One day you'll realize he's actually funnier, until then I'm gonna relish 
  • The lady at church called you the star of the nursery -- and it melted my mama heart. So stupid I know. Because I don't really even know what that means. But it's gotta be good. 
  • We had you dedicated at church in October, you ate up the spotlight! It was so cute. 
  • You just love people Harper -- it's so fun to see. I don't think I've ever met a baby as social as you. I hope when you grow up you're the same way. That you just LOVE everyone. You have a big heart, I can already tell. :)
  • You basically outgrow everything I buy you. So I am kind of dressing you in the same outfits over. and over. and over again. 

My heart couldn't be bigger for you. I love you more and more each day. It's so fun watching you grow up sweet girl. Your dad and I feel so lucky to be your parents. 

Love you, 


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