You are not a worry-er, we are opposite in this way, I am glad for it though, if we were both like me we'd be in trouble. However, if we were both like you I think it'd be a good thing, I'm working on it, you know that. I am halfway confident that if our house was on fire you would direct us out with ease. I love this about you. It makes me feel safe, you are good at calming me down and bringing me back to reality.
Thank you for that. You did this tonight, you know what I'm talking about.
I love listening to you talk on Sunday mornings. You are so gifted and so creative Todd, I could never do what you do. You're in your element with this job, I love seeing God use you like He is.
I love/think it's a little ridiculous how much you watch Fever Pitch. Why do you like it so much? Honestly. I don't think I can count the number of times you've watched it since we got married.
I love that whenever you get nervous you take the middle of your shirt and stick it over your nose. Only those that know you will know what I am talking about right now. It's quirky and reminds me of my childhood, of the little neighbor boy Kyle who used to stick the middle of his shirt in his mouth. He'd walk around with a wet ring all the time, it was weird, yours isn't quite that weird, but it brings me back to Colorado. I don't think I've ever told you that.
I love that you tricked me. You don't really like facebook and you actually aren't really ever on it at all. You just did that so you could try to talk to me before we started dating.
Speaking of all that, Todd I love that the first few months of our relationship were a trial. I cried a lot at the start of us, you were okay with it though, you understood and felt the weight of it all too. I knew then that we would get married. I am so thankful for that, it forced us to consider our intentions. You watched God refine me that year and I watched him do the same with you.
"She's married to the guy with the bright eyes who is always smiling." I love that the leader of our church described you like that.
I love that you do the dishes.
I love how much you love family, unconditionally, you're a good son and a good brother. I am so thankful that you are now a part of mine, or ours...? Your family is now mine and my family is yours, it's been two years and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around that.
I love that we have never gone to bed angry. We might sit there in silence for an hour, me crying, because that's what I do and you awkwardly fidgeting with the pillow because that's what you do. But we always reach the end of it, I love that. I don't want that part of us to change.
I love your obsession with checking the weather.
I love that you want to pray about everything. It's always an immediate response for you, it's caused me to want to pray more, you're sharpening me.
I love your sense of humor. I am probably the only person who laughs at all of the dumb songs you make up.
I love that you are disconnected from social media, I'll have to tell you to read this. I'm looking forward to the conversation to follow, you won't write back, at least not on here, you're private like that.
I love you.
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